How to Find Location from Image

Have you ever thought about how to find the location of an image? You might be curious where the picture was taken whether it be a vacation photo or one that you snapped while wandering around. Fortunately, there are various ways to learn where a picture was taken. In this blog, we’ll cover how location data works and how to get it out of images.

How Image Contains Location Data

EXIF (Exchangeable Image File Format) metadata is information often embedded into images. This data could be the camera used, its settings, and most importantly the location where the picture was taken. The EXIF metadata contains the GPS coordinates of where the photo was clicked when the location services are enabled on your device.

If you want to trace back the exact location of an image, this data is very helpful. Keep in mind, however, that not all photos carry location data especially if location services were disabled when the photo was taken.

How to Find Location from Image

It is an easy process to find a location from an image and that’s helpful too. You can pin down where a photo was taken by using some mapping tools or by accessing metadata. Here is how to do that on different devices:

On iPhone

For iPhone users, you can directly find location data from images in the Photos app instantly. It can help identify where the photo came from and give straight access to the map for further details or sharing.

  1. Open the photo in the Photos app.
open photos app
  1. Swipe up to view the photo details.
  2. If location data is available, the location will appear on the map.
check location data
  1. You can tap the location to view it on Apple Maps or copy the coordinates.

On Android

Android users can quickly gain access to location data that’s embedded in photos without having to go through the steps of using an SD card or other techniques. Looking at the Info section in Google Photos lets you locate the photo’s location on the map and quickly identify the photo’s location.

  1. Open the image in the Google Photos app.
open google photos
  1. Tap the Info icon (i).
tap info icon
  1. If location data is embedded, it will show up under “Location” with a map.
  2. You can tap on the map to see the location.

On Windows PC

This method is beneficial for Windows users as it allows direct access to embedded GPS data in image properties. Users can quickly find coordinates and use them in mapping apps or Google Maps for precise location identification.

  1. Right-click on the image file.
right click image file
  1. Select Properties, then go to the Details tab.
see image details
  1. If location data is available, you’ll find it under GPS information.
  2. You can use the coordinates in a mapping app or Google Maps.

On Mac Devices

The Preview app provides Mac users with easy access to detailed image information. It helps find photo’s location by displaying GPS coordinates, which can be entered into Google Maps for precise location tracking.

  1. Open the image in the Preview app.
  2. From the Tools menu, select Show Inspector.
select show inspector
  1. Click on the i tab for image information.
  2. If location data is available, it will show the GPS coordinates, which you can enter into Google Maps.

How to Find Out Where a Picture Was Taken Using Google Maps

Google Maps makes it easy to find the location of a photo by using its GPS coordinates. If you have the latitude and longitude, simply follow these steps:

  1. Open Google Maps.
  2. In the search bar, paste the GPS coordinates (e.g., 37.7749, -122.4194).
paste the gps coordinates
  1. Hit enter, and Google Maps will pinpoint the location on the map.

This is a great way to perform a geolocation search from picture to find the exact place where a photo was taken, especially if it’s an outdoor or landmark shot.

How to Find Location from Picture Online

If you don’t have access to the EXIF data, you can use online tools to find the location of an image. Here are a few methods:

Reverse Image Search

To find similar images online, reverse image search engines like Google Images and TinEye can be used. This may refer to a website or page with the location of the photo.

Google Images

It allows its users to search for images on the web. You can search in it based on keywords or directly with pictures, which makes this image discovery tool versatile.

  1. Go to Google Images.
go to google image
  1. Click the camera icon and upload the image.
click camera icon
  1. Google will show similar images, and you may be able to track down the original location.


TinEye is a reverse image search engine based on the power of computer vision, and image recognition and developed from the top. Users can locate where images appear online, identify image use, and verify the image across the web.

  1. Visit the TinEye website.
visit tineye website
  1. Click on the upload icon to select an image or paste an image URL.
upload image
  1. TinEye will display a list of websites where the image appears.
  2. Use filters to refine your search results.

Image Location Finder

There are picture location finder websites designed to help pinpoint the location of an image using the metadata or visual content.


Picarta is an AI-powered image location search tool that enables users to locate an image’s geographical location. Using cutting-edge geolocalization technology builds on complicated image analysis to find the precise location details for exploration, research, and making informed decisions.

  1. Visit the Picarta website.
visit picarta website
  1. Sign up or log in to your account.
  2. Upload an image or use the provided image link.
upload an image to geosearch
  1. Picarta will analyze the photo and provide location details.


Pic2Map is an online tool that analyzes the EXIF data included in a picture to discover and show its location. If available, it uses GPS coordinates to localize the exact location of the photo on a map.

  1. Visit the Pic2Map website.
  2. Drag and drop your image or select photo files to upload.
  1. The website will extract EXIF data, including GPS coordinates.
  2. The map will display the location where the photo was taken.

What to Do If Metadata Is Missing

If a photo doesn’t have EXIF data or location information, don’t worry. There are still ways to find out where it was taken:

  • Social Media Photo Tags or Geotags 

If the image is posted on social media platforms like Instagram or Facebook, check the post for location tags or mentions. Many users tag the locations where they took their photos, which can give you a hint.

  • Map It Out

Use mapping tools like Wikimapia to explore the area in the photo. By comparison, you can narrow down the location by comparing the visual elements in the image to those on the map.

  • Online Forums or Communities 

Flickr Commons and other photography forums are useful. Put the image on these platforms and ask the community if they can identify this location. Experienced photographers or people who live there can sometimes recognize places from unique landmarks that appear in pictures.

How to Remove Location Data from an Image

To remove location data from an image, you can use various methods depending on your device. On iPhones, you can disable location services for the camera in Settings, ensuring future photos won’t contain location data. 

For existing photos, you can use photo editing apps like Adobe Photoshop or online tools like Pixlr to strip metadata. On Windows, you can right-click the image, select Properties, go to the Details tab, and click Remove Properties and Personal Information. 

On Mac, use Preview’s Tools menu and select Remove Location Info to eliminate GPS data from the image.


Can I use a picture to find a place?

Yes, you can often use the metadata or image content to find a location by a picture using mapping tools and reverse image searches.

Can you get GPS coordinates from a picture on an iPhone?

Yes, you can view GPS coordinates from a photo on an iPhone if location services were enabled when the photo was taken. This information appears in the “Info” section of the photo.

Can you locate someone by their photo?

While you can’t directly locate someone from just a photo, you can find the location where the photo was taken using metadata or reverse image search, which may give you clues. Alternatively, you can employ people search tools to find someone by phone number online. They will uncover detailed information including location, name, social profiles and more.


Finding the location of a photo can be an interesting and useful task. Whether you’re retracing your steps, verifying a location, or trying to protect your privacy, there are multiple methods available. From checking EXIF metadata to using reverse image searches or Google Maps, you can uncover where a photo was taken with ease. Always be mindful of privacy concerns, especially when sharing images online.

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